Rector Search FAQ

Who is responsible for searching for and selecting our new rector?

The Vestry, the Search Committee, the potential candidates, the congregation and the Bishop all work in partnership during this process of mutual discernment. This important time must be carried out prayerfully and with great care.

What is the job of the Search Committee?

The Search Committee’s job is to plan and implement a successful search for a new Rector. This should be a prayerful, thoughtful, informed and participatory discernment process through open, candid discussion and consensus building based on the Parish Profile and the insights, historical knowledge and balanced judgment of the team charged with this task. Ultimately, the Search Committee identifies one or two candidates to present to the Vestry for consideration in partnership with the Bishop.

What is the working timeline for this process?

The discernment time varies and depends on a number of activities, such as the development of the Parish Profile, the gathering of the data and the careful responses to the Community Ministry Portfolio questions, and the input of the Bishop and her staff.  

How often can I expect updates on the process?

The Search Committee will keep the Vestry and Parish community (via the weekly digest and Sunday bulletin) advised of the progress of the search, while maintaining strict confidentiality of candidates under consideration.  

How can I help?

All the Parish is encouraged to help, including: (a) Praying for the members of the Search team that God will guide St. Margaret’s to our next Rector; (b) Offering time and talents to sustain all active ministries during the transition to new leadership as needed; and (c) Supporting, and praying for, the interim pastor(s), the appointed lay ministers and Parish staff during this transition period.


Please contact the Senior Warden (Steve Knoll) or the Search Committee Chair (Theresa Klimiuk) to discuss how to be of assistance, both during this interim phase and in the welcoming of our new rector.